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Otsi e-kataloogist

Uudiskirjandus 1/2024

Career and family women’s century-long journey toward equity / Goldin, Claudia Princeton Oxford Princeton University Press [2023]  Karjäär ja perekond naiste sajandipikkune teekond võrdsuse poole / Goldin, Claudia KAVA kirjastus, 2024 Gender and the ...

Soolise võrdsuse edendamine ja soostereotüüpidest vabade õpikute koostamine – taustmaterjal

Koostanud Ülle-Marike Papp
Eesti Naisuurimus- ja Teabekeskus
Tallinn, 2024
Materjal on valminud Aktiivsete Kodanike Fondi toetatud projekti „Soostereotüüpideta haridus =
võrdsemad ja avaramad võimalused noortele“ raames Taustmaterjal-projektile-soostereotuupideta-haridus-vordsemad-ja-avaramad-voimalused-noortele Laadi alla ...

Soostereotüüpidest vabade õpikute ja õppematerjalide koostamine ja kasutamine

Metoodiline juhend
Koostanud Ülle-Marike Papp ja Riina Kütt
Eesti Naisuurimus- ja Teabekeskus
Tallinn, 2024
Juhend on valminud Aktiivsete Kodanike Fondi toetatud projekti „Soostereotüüpideta haridus =
võrdsemad ja avaramad võimalused noortele“ raames Juhendi eesmärgiks on kaasa ...

Uudiskirjandus 2/2023

Psychology and gender an advanced reader / Natu, Sadhana Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2024. Suur rohepesu käsiraamat / Liiv, Jüri [Tallinn] : Hea Lugu,[2023] [Viljandi] : ...

Uudiskirjandus 1/2023

Brandsplaining: why marketing is (still) sexist and how to fix it / Jane Cunningham
London : Penguin Business, 2021 Mõjustamise psühholoogia : teooria ja praktika / Robert B. Cialdini ; inglise ...

Uudiskirjandus 2022

The Palgrave handbook of minority entrepreneurship / edited by Thomas M. Cooney Šveits Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 Padjamärkmed / Sei Shōnagon ; klassikalisest jaapani keelest tõlkinud Alari Allik ; ...

Uudiskirjandus 2021/1

Feministik : Feministeeriumi & saate “Naine ajas” mõistatuste vihik / koostajad: Milvi Martina Piir … jt. ; toimetajad: Rebeka Põldsam, Aet Kuusik
[Tallinn] : [Feministeerium], 2020 Researching Estonian transformation: morphogenetic reflections ...

Uudiskirjandus 2020/2

Demokraatia mustrid: valitsemisvormid ja nende toimimine kolmekümne kuues riigis. Arend Lijphart; [tõlkinud Antenna Translations ja Hille Saluäär; toimetaja Mirjam Allik; eessõna: Rein Taagepera ; kujundaja Margit Plink]. Tallinn: Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu, ...

Uudiskirjandus 1/20

Beyond the corporation: humanity working. David Erdal. London: Bodley Head, 2011 Burn it down!: feminist manifestos for the revolution. [edited by] Breanne Fahs. London; New York: Verso, 2020. Digital economics: how ...

Uudiskirjandus 2019

  • Ariadne Lõng. XVII aastakäik 1/2 (2018)
  • Fathering in Cultural Contexts: Developmental and Clinical Issues. Roopnarine, Jaipaul L. 2019
  • Feminists Don’t Wear Pink and Other Lies : Amazing Women on ...

Acta Sociologica : Acta sociologica : journal of the Nordic Sociological Association. Volume 61 Issue 3, Current Issue August 2018

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus Gender, occupational gender segregation and sickness absence. Longitudinal evidence
Volume: 61 issue: 3, page(s): 227-245
Article first published online: February 14, 2017; Issue published: August ...

Women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in Europe

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus Women’s sexual and reproductive health  and rights in Europe
Issue paper Council of Europe
Commissioner for Human Rights
December 2017 This issue paper was prepared by ...

The right of people with disabilities to live independently and be included in the community

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus Euroopa Komisjon
2012 Sisukord Summary
The Commissioner’s recommendations
1. The right to live in the community: the basics
1.1. The core right
1.2. How a ...

The Missing Entrepreneurs. Policies for inclusive entrepreneurship

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus The Missing Entrepreneurs
Policies for inclusive entrepreneurship OECD/Euroopa Liit 2017 Sisukord Preface -- Executive summary -- The meaning and importance of policies for inclusive entrepreneurship ...

The rule of law on the Internet and in the wider digital world

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus The rule of law on the Internet and in the wider digital world
Euroopa Komisjon
Detsember 2014 Sisukord EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
A new environment for human activities

Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis: Gender, Power and Ideology in Discourse

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis: Gender, Power and Ideology in Discourse 2005 ed.
Edited by Michelle M. Lazar Formaat: Paperback, 260 pages, kõrgus x laius x paksus: ...

Feminist Economics and Public Policy

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus Feminist Economics and Public Policy
Jim Campbell, Edited by Morag Gillespie Formaat: Paperback, 212 pages, kõrgus x laius x paksus: 235x159x15 mm, kaal: 340 g, 12 ...

Gender, ageing and extended working life : cross-national perspectives

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus Gender, ageing and extended working life : cross-national perspectives
Autorid: Áine Ní Léime; Debra Street; Sarah Vickerstaff; Clary Krekula; Wendy Loretto Formaat: Hardback, 256 lk, kõrgus ...

Angry White Men, 2nd Edition: American Masculinity at the End of an Era. Michael Kimmel

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus Angry White Men, 2nd Edition: American Masculinity at the End of an Era 2nd edition
Michael Kimmel
Stony Brook University State University of New York Formaat: ...

Women in Sports: A Reference Handbook

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus Formaat: Hardback
322 lk
Sari: Contemporary World Issues
Ilmumisaeg: 22-Mar-2018
Kirjastus: Greenwood Press
ISBN-10: 144085369X
ISBN-13: 9781440853692 Tutvustus Providing key data, insights, and ways of thinking ...

Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny
Kate Manne Formaat: Hardback, 368 pages, kõrgus x laius x paksus: 215x148x30 mm, kaal: 504 g
Ilmumisaeg: 23-Oct-2017
Kirjastus: Oxford University Press
ISBN-10: 0190604980
ISBN-13: ...

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls
Elena Favilli, Francesca Cavallo Saadavus raamatukogus Formaat: Hardback, 224 pages, kõrgus x laius x paksus: 200x190x20 mm, kaal: 700 g

Bitch Doctrine: Essays for Dissenting Adults

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus Bitch Doctrine: Essays for Dissenting Adults
Laurie Penny Vaata saadavust raamatukogus

  • Of maddness and resistance : a US election diary
  • Love and other chores
  • ...

The Guy’s Guide to Feminism

Vaata saadavust raamatukogus The Guy's guide to Feminism
Michael Kaufman, Michael Kimmel
Berkeley, California : Seal Press, A Member of the Perseus Books Group, 2011 199 lk Sisukord Ally ...

Eesti ühiskond kiirenevas ajas – Uuringu Mina. Maailm. Meedia 2002–2014 tulemused

Eesti ühiskond kiirenevas ajas – Uuringu Mina. Maailm. Meedia 2002–2014 tulemused
Peeter Vihalemm, Veronika Kalmus, Marju Lauristin, Triin Vihalemm Saadavus raamatukogus Sisukord Teoreetiline hoovõtt: ühiskond ja elavik / Marju Lauristin, ...

Women’s Lives: A Psychological Exploration

Women’s Lives: A Psychological Exploration, Fourth Edition 4th New edition
Claire A. Etaugh (Bradley University, USA), Judith S. Bridges (University of Connecticut at Hartford, USA, Emerita) Saadavus raamatukogus Formaat: Paperback, ...

Rethinking Difference in Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Music: Theory and Politics of Ambiguity

Rethinking Difference in Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Music: Theory and Politics of Ambiguity
Gavin Lee Peagi raamatukogus Formaat: Hardback, 198 pages
Sari: Routledge Studies in Popular Music
Ilmumisaeg: 05-Feb-2018
Kirjastus: ...

Gender Equity Sources and Resources for Education Students

Gender Equity Sources and Resources for Education Students
Jo Sanders Saadavus raamatukogus What makes girls avoid math, science, and technology in school? And what can teacher educators do to help ...

Inside the Mind of the Entrepreneur: Cognition, Personality Traits, Intention, and Gender Behavior

Inside the Mind of the Entrepreneur: Cognition, Personality Traits, Intention, and Gender Behavior
Ana Tur Porcar, Domingo Ribeiro Soriano Saadavus raamatukogus This book connects entrepreneurship and psychology research by focusing ...

Psychology of Men and Masculinities

The Psychology of Men and Masculinities
Ronald F. Levant, Y. Joel Wong Formaat: Hardback, 440 pages, kõrgus x laius x paksus: 229x152x28 mm, kaal: 975 g
Ilmumisaeg: 28-Feb-2017
Kirjastus: American ...

Recent History of Lesbian and Gay Psychology: From Homophobia to LGBT

Recent History of Lesbian and Gay Psychology: From Homophobia to LGBT
Peter Hegarty (School of Psychology, University of Surrey, UK) Saadavus raamatukogus Formaat: Paperback, 130 pages, kõrgus x laius: 235×159 ...

Rindade ajalugu

Rindade ajalugu
Autor: Marilyn Yalom
Tõlkija: Sirje Winbo
Kujundaja: Tiina Sildre Saadavus raamatukogus ...

Madonna ja hoor

Madonna ja hoor
Hannele Koivunen Saadavus raamatukogus Hannele Koivuneni monograafia näitab, kuidas sallimatu Jahve on aegade jooksul välja tõrjunud muistsed viljakust kehastavad naisjumalused ja lõhestanud naise kuju ristiusus kaheks – ...

We Should All Be Feminists

We Should All Be Feminists
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi
London : Fourth Estate, 2014
52 lk. ; 16 cm.
Kohaviit: C1/ADI Formaadilt väike, aga sisult võimas. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie kutsub oma ...

Tiedon tyttäret

Tiedon tyttäret
Marjo T. Nurminen
soome keeles Saadavus raamatukogus ...

Sex Object : A Memoir

Sex Object : A Memoir
Autor: Jessica Valenti
Publisher: New York, NY : Dey St. an imprint of William Morrow Publishers
2016 Saadavus raamatukogus ...

The M Word : Conversations About Motherhood

The M Word : Conversations About Motherhood
Autor: Kerry Clare
Fredericton, NB : Goose Lane Editions, © 2014 Saadavus raamatukogus ...

Gender, Sex and Children’s Play

Gender, Sex and Children’s Play
Autor: Ali Wood; Jacky Kilvington
London ; New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2016 Saadavus raamatukogus ...

Feminism of Uncertainty : A Gender Diary

Feminism of Uncertainty : A Gender Diary
Author: Ann Barr Snitow
2015 Saadavus raamatukogus ...

My Life on the Road

My Life on the Road
Autor: Gloria Steinem
New York : Random House
2015 Saadavus raamatukogus ...

The Purity Myth : How America’s Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women

The Purity Myth : How America’s Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women
Author: Jessica Valenti
Berkeley, Calif. : Seal Press, © 2009 Saadavus raamatukogus ...

Feminisms Matter : Debates, Theories, Activism

Feminisms Matter : Debates, Theories, Activism
Autor: Victoria L Bromley
North York, Ont., Canada ; Tonawanda, N.Y. : University of Toronto Press, © 2012 Saadavus raamatukogus ...

Feminism is for Everybody : Passionate Politics

Feminism is for Everybody : Passionate Politics
Bell Hooks Saadavus raamatukogus ...

The Means of Reproduction : Sex, Power, and the Future of the World

The Means of Reproduction : Sex, Power, and the Future of the World
Autor: Michelle Goldberg
New York : Penguin Press, 2009 Saadavus raamatukogus ...

The Feminist Utopia Project : Fifty-seven Visions of a Wildly Better Future

The Feminist Utopia Project : Fifty-seven Visions of a Wildly Better Future
Autor: Alexandra Brodsky; Rachel Kauder-Nalebuff
New York, NY : Feminist Press, 2015 Saadavus raamatukogus ...

Voicing Gender : Castrati, Travesti, and the Second Woman in Early-nineteenth-century Italian Opera

Voicing Gender : Castrati, Travesti, and the Second Woman in Early-nineteenth-century Italian Opera
Autor: Naomi Adele André
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, © 2006 Saadavus raamatukogus ...

Fathering in Cultural Contexts: Developmental and Clinical Issues

Fathering in Cultural Contexts: Developmental and Clinical Issues
AUtorid: Jaipaul L Roopnarine,‎ Elif Dede Yildirim Ilmub septembris 2018 ...

SAGE Handbook of Mentoring

SAGE Handbook of Mentoring
Nora Dominguez, David Ashley Clutterbuck, Laura Gail Lunsford, Frances K. Kochan, Julie Haddock-Millar Saadavus raamatukogus Formaat: Hardback, 688 pages, kõrgus x laius: 246×184 mm
Ilmumisaeg: 09-Feb-2017

Techniques for Coaching and Mentoring New edition

Techniques for Coaching and Mentoring New edition
Natalie Lancer, David Megginson, David Clutterbuck Saadavus raamatukogus Formaat: Paperback, 326 pages, kõrgus x laius x paksus: 248x191x18 mm, kaal: 726 g, 24 ...

Kultuur, kõne ja Minu Ise

Kultuur, kõne ja Minu Ise
Aaro Toomela Saadavus raamatukogus Formaat: Kõva köide, 590 lk, , KõrgusxLaius: 22×14 cm
Ilmumisaeg: 2016
Kirjastus: Eksa
ISBN-10: 9985796934
ISBN-13: 9789985796931 ...

Mentoring Diverse Leaders: Creating Change for People, Processes, and Paradigms

Mentoring Diverse Leaders: Creating Change for People, Processes, and Paradigms
Audrey J. Murrell, Stacy Blake-Beard (School of Management, Simmons College, USA) Peagi saadaval ENUTi raamatukogus Formaat: Paperback, 254 pages
Ilmumisaeg: ...

Deviant Women: Cultural, Linguistic and Literary Approaches to Narratives of Femininity. Tiina Mäntymäki; Anna Foka; Marinella Rodi-Risberg

This multidisciplinary collection of articles illuminates the ways in which the concept of female deviance is represented, appropriated, re-inscribed and refigured in a wide range of texts across time, cultures ...

Music, Gender, Education. Lucy Green

How women’s musical practices and gendered musical meanings have been reproduced through history. 1. Introduction —
pt. I. Musical meaning and women’s musical practice. 2. Affirming femininity: women singing, women ...

Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers: Concert Music, 1960-2000. Laurel Parsons, Brenda Ravenscroft

Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers: Concert Music, 1960-2000
Laurel Parsons, Brenda Ravenscroft Order, freedom and design. Ursula Mamlok, Panta rhei, third movement (1981) biography ; “Twelve tone ...

You’re wearing that? : understanding mothers and daughters in conversation. Deborah Tannen

You’re wearing that? : understanding mothers and daughters in conversation
Deborah Tannen
New York : Ballantine Books, 2006 Mothers and daughters do not speak different languages–but still often misunderstand each ...

iMedia: The Gendering of Objects, Environments and Smart Materials. Sarah Kember

iMedia: The Gendering of Objects, Environments and Smart Materials
Sarah Kember Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 Sisu “What can queer feminist writing strategies such ...

Everyday Sexism. Laura Bates

Everyday Sexism
Laura Bates London [etc.] : Simon & Schuster, 2014, 2015 Sisu In a culture that’s driven by social media, women are using this online space to come together, ...