Kersti Siilivask – Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy Perspective on Security

TALLINN UNIVERSITYSchool of Governance, Law and SocietyInternational Relations Juhendaja: Matthew Crandall PhD Tallinn 2019 This thesis is a feminist discourse analysis of Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy. This thesis seeksto look into how the international relations (IR) feminist theory characteristics are

Elisa Halonen – Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy as a Norm Creator? Perception of The Swedish Government

TALLINN UNIVERSITYSchool of Governance, Law and SocietyPolitics and Governance Juhendaja: Matthew Crandall PhD Tallinn 2020 This work is showing how Sweden sees itself as a norm creator for other actors to follow with theirfeminist foreign policy through analysis the documents,

Handbook Sweden’s feminist foreign policy

In October 2014, Sweden became the first country in the world to launch a feminist foreign policy. This means applying a systematic gender equality perspective throughout the whole foreign policy agenda. This handbook should be a resource for international work