Joining Forces for Gender Equality: What is Holding us Back?

OECD 2023 Joining Forces for Gender Equality: What is Holding us Back? tracks progress and provides policyrecommendations for gender equality in 33 chapters that cover various policy domains, from education,employment, and entrepreneurship to public life, development, trade, transport, and energy.

Anna-Maria Tukiainen – National Threat – Impact of Returning ISIS Western Female Foreign Fighters

TALLINN UNIVERSITYSchool of Governance, Law and SocietyPolitical Science and Governance/International Relations Juhendaja: Kevin Martin Blachford Tallinn 2019 Master’s thesis examines the impact of returning ISIS Western female foreign fighters. Research question is divided into two parts: what kind of threats

Handbook Sweden’s feminist foreign policy

In October 2014, Sweden became the first country in the world to launch a feminist foreign policy. This means applying a systematic gender equality perspective throughout the whole foreign policy agenda. This handbook should be a resource for international work

The right of people with disabilities to live independently and be included in the community

Euroopa Komisjon2012   Sisukord SummaryThe Commissioner’s recommendationsIntroduction1. The right to live in the community: the basics1.1. The core right 1.2. How a grasp of the right shapes the response1.3. Articulation of the right: the UN Convention 2. International law and