
TLÜ Soouuringute uurimisrühm

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Õppimine maailmas

University of Tirana

Tirana (ALBANIA)
Minors in Gender Studies Feminist Theories and/or History; Gender and Migration

Karl-Franzens University of Graz

M.A. in Gender Studies Gender and Health; Gender and Economy; Gender and Education: Gender Expertisefor Scientific Institutions; Gender Training for Teachers

Centre for Women’s Studies

Zagreb (CROATIA)
Postgraduate Course “Feminisms in a Transnational Perspective, Feminist Knowledgein Action” Gender and Politics; Gender and Economy; Gender-Based Violence (GBV); Women’s Rights conventions; Gender and Human Rights; Feminist Theories and/or History; Gender, Arts and Literature; Gender and Law

University of Cyprus

Nicosia (CYPRUS)
Postgraduate Programme in Gender Studies (M.A.s and Ph.D.)
Gender and Religion; Human and Women’s Rights: Byzantine Masculinities and Femininities; History of Sexuality; Queer Theory and CivilRights; European Policy and Gender; Gender and Science

Faculty of Economics and Political Science – Cairo University

Cairo (EGYPT)
M.A. in Gender and DevelopmentFeminist Theories and/or History; Gender and Economy; Gender and Politics

The American University in Cairo (AUC)

Cairo (EGYPT)
M.A. in Gender and Women’s Studies in the Middle East/North AfricaGender and Migration; Human and Women’s Rights; Approaches to Gender and Women’s Studies in the Middle East/North Africa; Histories and Theories of Gender andDevelopment; Gender and Migration

Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies – University of Helsinki

Helsinki (FINLAND)
Ph.D. in Gender Studies

Centre for Education, Documentation and Research for Feminist Studies (CEDREF) – University of Paris

Paris (FRANCE)
M.A. (Research)
in Gender and Social and Political Change: Transnational Perspectives Gender and Migration; Gender and Politics; Feminist and Gender Theories; Gender and Globalization;

Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies – University of Paris

Paris (FRANCE)
M.A. in Gender Studies Gender and Arts; Gender and Law; Public Action, Migration, Discrimination; Psychoanalysis and Gender Studies; Gender and Translation; Gender and Nationalism in Contemporary Worlds

Sciences Po Toulouse

Toulouse (FRANCE)
Policies, Discriminations and Gender (PDG)
Gender and Politics; Gender and Discrimination; Gender and Race–470271.kjsp

University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès

Toulouse (FRANCE)
M.A. in Gender Studies, Equality and Social policiesGender and Social Sciences; Gender and Politics; Gender and State; Gender and WorkEnvironment; Gender Theories–386452.kjsp?RH=02Diplomes

Bochum University

Bochum (GERMANY)
M.A. in Gender Studies – Culture, communication, Society Gender in History; Gender and Media; Gender Mainstreaming

Georg-August-University of Göttingen

Göttingen (GERMANY)
M.A. in Gender Studies Sexuality, Gender and Social Order; Gender and Economy; Gender and Politics

The Gender Studies Centre – University of Panteion

Athens (GREECE)
M.A. and Ph.D. in Gender and Equality Studies in the Political and Social SciencesGender and Labour; Gender, Arts and Literature; Women and Employment; GenderEquality Policies; Gender and Social Policy; Employment, Gender & Inequality

Social Anthropology and History Department – University of the Aegean

Athens (GREECE)
Women and Gender – Anthropological and Historical Approaches Gender Theories; Language, Sex and Sexuality; Gender, Body and Race in Early Modern Europe; Historical Approaches to Gender; Gender and Migration; Economic Inequality, Gender and the Developing World

Gender in Social sciences – University of Crete

Crete (GREECE)
Undergraduate Programmes on Gender and Equality IssuesGender and Labour; Gender and Education; Gender and Politics: General Introductory Courses on Gender; Specific Courses on Gender (e.g., Work, Education, Politics); SpecialSeminars on Gender

Department of Gender Studies – Central European University

Budapest (HUNGARY)
M.A. in Gender Studies (one year M.A.)
Gender, Literature and Arts; Gender in History; Gender, Nationalism and War; GenderedMemories of the Holocaust; Re-imagining Social Movements: Activism, Resistance and Cultural Change; Queer Theory; Gender and Politics

Department of Gender Studies – Central European University

Budapest (HUNGARY)
M.A. in Critical Gender Studies (two year M.A.)
Sexuality, Queer Theory, Gender and Political Systems: Policy in Comparative Perspective;Comparative Masculinities: Sex and Gender in Europe and the Mediterranean; Politics of Sexuality and Intimacy; Introduction to Queer Theory; Capitalism and Gender in the Neoliberal Era

Department of Gender Studies – Central European University

Budapest (HUNGARY)
MATILDA European M.A. in Women’s and Gender HistoryThesis Based Foundations in Women’s and Gender History; Foundations in Historical Methods and Theories

Department of Gender Studies – Central European University

Budapest (HUNGARY)
Ph.D. Programme in Comparative Gender Studies

University of Limerick

Limerick (IRELAND)
M.A. in Gender, Culture & Society Theoretical Approaches to Gender; Culture & Society; Feminist Approaches to Research; Sex, Feminism(s), Diaspora & Multiculturalism, Feminist Literary Theory; Feminist Perspectives on Conflict and Development Issues

Centre for Women’s Health Studies and Promotion – University Ben-Gurion ofNegev

Negev (ISRAEL)
Research programmes Gender and Health

Bar-Ilan University

Bar-Ilan (ISRAEL)
The Gender Studies Programme

University of Haifa

Haifa (ISRAEL)
M.A. in Women and Gender Studies The Social Construct of Masculinity and Femininity; Gender and Politics; Sex and Sexuality;Men’s Studies; Science and Gender; Globalization and Gender; Gender and law; Genderand Popular Culture

The National Council of Jewish Women-Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv (ISRAEL)
M.A. in Gender Studies Gender Identities; Feminist Theory; Gender in History

Centro Interdipartimentale di Women’s Studies “Milly Villa”,University of Calabria

Calabria (ITALY)
M.A. in Gender Equality and Diversity ManagementGender and Economy; Gender and Politics; Gender and Labour: Welfare State and Statusof Women in Italy; Gender and Modernity; Women and Work Family Reconciliation; Gender Policies in the EU and Italy; Female Migration, Rights and Social Policies; Gender and Political Communication

University of Bologna in cooperation with other European Universities

Bologna (ITALY), GEMMA M.A. Erasmus Mundus in Women’s and Gender Studies
Gender, Arts and Literature; Gender in History; Gender and Academics: Women’s Movements Worldwide; Women’s Movements In Italian Modern History; Women’s Northern Literature And Culture; Women and Social Sciences; Methods, Sources, Research and Documentation For Women’s Studies

University of Bologna, Alma Mater

Bologna (ITALY)
Women and Gender Studies – Studi di Genere e delle donne (GEMMA)
Feminist Theory; Women’s Literature; Women in Social Sciences and Art

Syracuse University

Florence (ITALY)
Women and Gender Studies

Centro di ricerca GENDERS – Gender & Equality in Research and Science – UNIMI

Milan (ITALY)
Gender Studies Research on Gender Inequalities in Scientific Careers; Gender Equality Intervention inResearch, Innovation and Science; Equal Opportunities, Work and Organisations; GenderMedicine; Equity in Access to Health Services; Women and Political Participation Humanrights, Non-Discrimination and Intersectionality; Gender and Welfare; Public Policies andCompany Policies Evaluation; Gender and Journalism: Gender Language and Stereotypesin the Media; Gender, Cooperation and Development

Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne (CIRSDe), University of Torino Studies

Turin (ITALY)

Centro Studi sul Genere e l’Educazione

Bologna (ITALY)
Centre for Studies on Gender and EducationEducation Towards Femininity and Masculinity (and related conditioning, stereotypes, etc.)
in the Local, Italian and International Context; Gender Relations and Education in theRelationships between Men and Women; Gender Issues in the Educational, Social, CulturalContexts of Education and Social Intervention; Sexual Discrimination and Inequality Conditions; Social and Media Representations of Gender Differences; Gender, Socialization and Immigration; Gender, Disability and Inclusion

University of Naples Federico II

Naples (ITALY)
Ph.D. in Human Mind and Gender Studies

Women’s Studies Centre – University of Jordan

Amman (JORDAN)
M.A. in Women’s StudiesGender and Human Rights; Gender and Politics; Gender and Development: Women in Law, Women’s Health; Gender and Sustainable Development; Women in Mass Media and Communication; Women’s Human Rights

Gender Studies Centre – University of Latvia


Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World, Lebanese American University – LAU

Beirut (LEBANON)
M.A. in Women and Gender StudiesFeminist Theory; Gender and Islam; Gender and Migration: Theories of Gender and GlobalFeminism; Arab and Islamic Feminisms; Gender and Public Policy Topics in Women andGender Studies; Masculine Identity in Modern Arab Literature of the Near East

Centre for Gender Studies, European Humanities University

M.A. in Cultural Studies with a Specialization in Gender Studies Gender and Postcommunism; Gender and Visual Arts; Gender and Nationalism; Memory and War; Gender and Mass Communications; Feminist Philosophy; Men’s Studies; Gender Studies in Post-Soviet Academia; Qualitative Methods in Gender Research

Department of Gender Studies of the University of Malta

Msida (MALTA)
M.A. in Gender Studies Gender Equality

ISIS Centre for Women and Development (ICWAD)


University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Dhar Mehraz

M.A. in Women’s and Gender Studies Gender and Politics; Gender and Economy; Gender and Cooperation; Gender and Migration; Feminist Theories and/or History; Gender, Arts and Literature

Institute for the International Education of Students – IES abroad – STUDY IN RABAT

Gender and Society in North Africa and Beyond Gender and Development; Arab Spring, Gender and Islam; Gender and Moroccan Society; Family and the Family Code (Moudawana); Islamic Feminism; Gender and Political Participation; The Arab Spring and Social Change

University Hassan II of Casablanca – Faculty of Arts and Humanities Ain Chock

Casablanca (MOROCCO)
M.A. in Gender, Society and Cultures

University Hassan II of Casablanca – Faculty of Arts and Humanities Ain Chock

Casablanca (MOROCCO)
Doctoral training in social sciences Laboratory on Gender, Education, Literature and Media

Hilary Clinton Center for Women’s Empowerment – University Al Akhawayn (AUI)

Ifrane (MOROCCO)
M.A. in Gender Studies Gender and Politics; Gender and Economics; Gender and Nationalism; Feminist Philosophy; Gender and Media

University Cadi Ayyad

Marrakech (MOROCCO)
Research Group on Women’s Studies – GISR Gender and Tradition; Gender and Religion; Gender and Education; Gender Stereotypes; Gender and the Distribution of Power; Gender and the Empowerment of Women; Gender and Institutions

University Moulay Ismaïl

Meknès (MOROCCO)
M.A. Women and Development Women’s Position in the Arab World and in Morocco; Study and Definition of Women’s Rights; Family Code and Labour Law in Morocco

University Moulay Ismaïl

Meknès (MOROCCO)
Ph.D. Women and Writing Gender and Human Rights; Conventions on Women’s Rights; Gender, Arts and Literature; Theories on Feminism and/or History of Feminity; Gender and Religion; Gender and Popular Culture; The Image of Women in Arab Literature

Faculty of Juridical Sciences, Economic and Social – Abdelmalek Essaâdi University

Tanger (MOROCCO)
M.A. in Gender and Women’s Rights Between the Two Shores of the Mediterranean Gender Approach to Family Law in Morocco; Gender and Communication Techniques; Women’s Rights in International Law; The Feminist Movement in Morocco; Gender and Literature; Women’s Rights; Women, Migration and Fundamental Rights; Gender and Public Policies

Institute of Dender Studies – Radboud University

Research Projects “The Dynamics of Gender” Sexuality; Gender and Culture; Gender Policies

Netherlands Research School for Gender Studies

Research Programmes Ph.D. in Gender Studies

University of Utrecht

M.A in Gender Studies (Research)
Gender in Postcoloniality; Gender and Social inclusion, Gender, Art and Activism; Gender

An-Najah National University

M.A. in Women’s Studies, Women and Development; Women’s Health and Reproductive Issues; Women and Personal Statues Law; Women and Current Issues; Gender Approach; Women in Islamic Culture

Beirzeit university

Beirzeit (PALESTINE)
M.A. in Gender and Development Studies

Higher Institute for Social Science and Politics – University of Lisboa

M.A. in Family and Gender Gender and Family Issues; Gender and Psychology; Gender and Sexuality; Gender and Sociology

University of Coimbra

Coimbra (PORTUGAL)
Doctoral Programme “Feminist Studies” Feminist Theories and Epistemologies; Women, Race and Ethnicities; Women in History;Gender, Language and Communication; Sociological Perspectives on Work and Family; Sexualities, Law and Gender Violence

Faculty of Social Science – University of Liubljana

Ljubljana (SLOVENIA)
Ph.D. in Gender Studies

Interuniversity Institute for Women and Gender Studies. (IIEDG) – University of Barcelona

Catalonia (SPAIN)
M.A. in Women’s studies, Gender and Citizenship History of Feminisms; Feminist Theory; Law and Feminism; Gender and Family; Women and Public Space; Feminist Approach to Economy; Women, Time and Everyday Life; Gender and Education; Language, Gender and Communication

The Interuniversity Institute for Women’s Studies and Gender (IUED) – University of Valencia

Valencia (SPAIN)
M.A. in Women, Gender and Citizenship Gender Policies; Gender and Migration; Gender and Labour: Design and Evaluation of Policies from a Gender Perspective; Professional Space and Gender Equality; Women’s Social Participation; Women and Migration; Women´s Health; Prevention of GBV,

The Interuniversity Institute for Women’s Studies and Gender (IUED) – University of Valencia

Valencia (SPAIN)
Doctoral Degree in Gender Studies: Cultures, Politics and Societies Gender Policies; Gender and Migration; Gender and Labour: Design and Evaluation of Policies from a Gender Perspective; Professional Space and Gender Equality; Women’s Social Participation; Women and Migration; Women´s Health; Prevention of GBV

University of Jaume I

Castellón (SPAIN)
M.A. in Feminism, Gender and Citizenship Studies History of Feminist Movements and Gender Policies; Citizenship and Gender; Civil Society and Citizen Participation; Gender and Psychology; GBV and Psychology; Women and Literature, Art and Feminism; Women and Science

The University Institute of Women’s Studies – Autonomous University of Madrid

Madrid (SPAIN)
M.A. and Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Gender Equality and Economics; Gender Equality and Politics; Gender and Human Rights: Health and Gender; Economy, Labour and Equality; Democracy and Equality; Gender Violence and Patriarchal society; Gender and Literature

University Pablo de Olavide

Sevilla (SPAIN)
M.A. in Gender and Equality Gender and Politics; Gender and Economy; Gender and Migration; Feminist Theories and/or History

University of Barcelona

Barcelona (SPAIN)
Online M.A. in Gender: Women, Development and Cultures

University Rovira i Virgili

Tarragona (SPAIN)
Interuniversity M.A. in Women’s Studies, Gender and Citizenship Theory; Criticism and Culture; Women, Work and Public Policy

University of Granada

Granada (SPAIN), GEMMA Erasmus Mundus M.A. in Women’s and Gender Studies Gender and Politics; Gender and Economy; Gender and Cooperation; Gender andMigration; Women’s Rights Conventions; Gender and Science; Feminist Theories and/or History; Gender, Arts and Literature; Gender and Nationalism; Gender and Religion; Feminism and Masculinities; Queer Theory

Faculty of Communication, Campus – Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)

Barcelona (SPAIN)
M.A. in Gender and Communication Gender, Communication and Social Change; New Digital Formats: Tools for Social Transformation; Economic Communication, Policies and Gender Perspectives; Gender and Media

Linköping University

Linköping (SWEDEN)
M.A. in Social Science (MSSc)
on Gender Studies – Intersectionality and Change Gender and Intersectionality, Feminism and Pedagogy and Intersectional Gender Didactics; Feminist Genealogies and Social Movements; Feminism and Ecology

University of Sousse

Sousse (TUNISIA)
International M.A. in Gender Studies

University of Manouba

M.A. in Gender, Culture and Society,

Higher Institute of Social Studies

M.A. in Women’s Studies

Women’s Studies Centre – Ankara University

Ankara (TURKEY)
Women’s Studies Programme (M.A.s & Ph.D)

Mersin University

Mersin (TURKEY)
Women’s Studies Gender and Politics; Gender and Economy; Gender and Migration; Feminist Theories and/or History; Gender, Arts and Literature

Middle East Technical University

Ankara (TURKEY)
Gender and Women’s Studies

Gender and Women’s Studies Forum, Sabanci University

Istanbul (TURKEY)

Gender and Women’s Studies Research Centre – Kadir Has University

Istanbul (TURKEY)

Women’s Research and Education Centre – Istanbul University

Istanbul (TURKEY)
Women’s Studies Gender and Politics; Women and Ottoman-Turkish Modernization; Gender and Media; Postcolonial and Gender Critical Perspectives in Literature; Migration Studies and Gender; Women and Education; Feminism and Political Theory; Gender and Social Policy; Women and Health; Urban Space, Local Politics and Sexual Inequality; Gender, Fatherhood and Masculinity in Film; Feminist Economics; Women in History; Gender and Law

University of Hull

Hull (UK)
M.A. in Women’s and Gender Studies (GEMMA)
Feminist Historiography; Feminist Methodology: Interdisciplinary Methods in Women’s andGender Studies; Feminist Theory: Between difference and Diversity; Women’s Movements Worldwide

Department of Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS) – University of Birmingham

Birmingham (UK)
M.A. in International Relations (Gender)
Norms, Institutions and Mechanisms of Governance; Gender as Discourse / Ideology; Gender as a Category in Policy-Making; Gendered Subjectivities in Global Politics and Governance; Social Reproduction, Production, Consumption and Economic Development; Security, Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping; Human Rights: Sex, Death, Gender and (In)
Security; Democracy, Power and Citizenship

Centre for Gender Studies University of Sussex

Sussex (UK)
M.A. in Gender, Violence and Conflict (2016 Entry)
Gendered Experiences of Violence; Conflict and Peace Militarization; Masculinities andFemininities Representations, Embodiments and the Institutionalisation of Violence

Gender and Women’s Studies – University College London (UCL)

London (UK)
M.A. in Gender, Society and Representation Gender and Politics; Gender and Human Rights; Feminist Theories and/or History; Gender,Arts and Literature; Social-Science Approaches; Gender and Development

Lancaster University

Lancaster (UK)
Gender and Women’s Studies