The Guy’s Guide to Feminism

The Guy's guide to Feminism
Michael Kaufman, Michael Kimmel
Berkeley, California : Seal Press, A Member of the Perseus Books Group, 2011

199 lk


Ally --
Anger --
Autonomy --
Beauty --
Birth control --
Booze --
Bra burning --
Chivalry --
Consent --
Custody and child support --
Dads --
Domestic violence/wife assault --
Education --
Emotion --
Equality, equity, and liberation --
"Feminazi" --
Feminism --
Friendship --
Fundamentalism --
Gender vs. sex --
Genital cutting --
Girls gone wild --
Good relationships: a recipe --
Guilt --
Harassment/sexual harassment --
Health --
Homophobia --
Honor killings --
Housework --
Inequality --
Intersectionality --
Jobs --
Jokes --
Kids/childcare --
Language/words that make women disappear --
Listening --
Love --
Macho/machismo: an interview with two authors --
Madison Avenue/advertising --
Male bashing --
Marriage --
Men's rights --
Military --
Misogyny/misandry --
Ms. --
New resproductive technologies --
No --
Orgasm --
Patriarchy --
The personal is political --
PMS --
Politically correct --
Porn --
Privilege (a riddle) --
Pro-choice/abortion --
Quotas, affirmative action, reverse discrimination --
Race and racism --
Rape/sexual assault --
Rape as a weapon of war --
Religion --
Sex --
Sexism --
Sex trade/prostitution --
Sexual orientation --
Sport --
Stalking --
Take back the night --
Title IX --
Trafficking --
Underclass/poverty --
Unions --
Vaginas/vulvas --
Violence: four reasons why it's an issue for good men --
Wave! (catching the three waves of feminism) --
White Ribbon Campaign --
Women's shelters and crisis centers --
Women's studies --
XX/XY --
Yes --
Zero (a top ten).

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