The Missing Entrepreneurs. Policies for inclusive entrepreneurship

The Missing Entrepreneurs
Policies for inclusive entrepreneurship

OECD/Euroopa Liit 2017



Preface -- Executive summary -- The meaning and importance of policies for inclusive entrepreneurship -- Self-employment -- Inclusive entrepreneurship over the business life cycle -- Impact of self-employment and entrepreneurship -- Part I Reader's Guide -- Policies to improve institutions -- Policies for entrepreneurship skills -- Policies for financing -- Delivering policies to the target group -- Data and inspiring practices in inclusive entrepreneurship policy: Country examples -- Austria: Mingo Migrant Enterprises -- Belgium: Activity Co-operatives ("Activiteitencoöperaties") -- Bulgaria: Employment through entrepreneurship -- Cyprus: The Women's Co-operative Bank -- Czech Republic: Assistance Centres for Female Entrepreneurship -- Denmark: Ethnic Coach for Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurs -- Estonia: ENTRUM (Youth Entrepreneurship Development Programme) -- Finland: Start-Up Grant -- France: Auto Entrepreneurship -- Germany: Start-Up Subsidy -- Greece: Self-Employment for the Vulnerable Unemployed -- Hungary: Social Co-operative Support Scheme -- Ireland: Going for Growth -- Italy: Affirmative Action for Female Entrepreneurship (Act No. 215/1992) -- Latvia: Grants for Business Start-Ups -- Lithuania: Entrepreneurship Promotion Fund -- Luxembourg: Federation of Women Chief Executives -- Malta: Start Your Own Business -- Netherlands: Start-up Credit for Partially Occupationally Disabled Persons -- Poland: Promotion of Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment -- Portugal: Programme for Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment -- Romania: AntrES Women's School of Entrepreneurship -- Slovak Republic: Training and Advisory Services for Potential Entrepreneurs -- Slovenia: Self-Employment Subsidy -- Spain: EMEKIN -- Sweden: Reform of the social insurance system for self-employed workers -- United Kingdom: The Prince's Trust Youth Business Scotland -- Glossary.