ENUT’s library contains presently around 9000 records, including books on women’s and gender studies and literature in various disciplines – humanities, social sciences, technology and medicine.


Advanced search
Advanced search enables to specify the fields the search is performed in – author’s name, title, place of issue, publisher/producer, year of issue, language, ISBN code, keyword etc.

Borrowing books

Our library is open to everyone.
As a rule, books are borrowed for 30 days.

Extending the term

Term can be extended via:

Online form

Self Service WebRIKS

e-mail enut@enut.ee

at a library Narva rd 25-501 (Tallinn University “Terra” building, 5th floor)

Libary fees & fines

ENUT library is an open, public library, and borrowing records is free for everyone. However, returning borrowed items later than set due date, the libary has a right to collect a late fine, 0.05 € fine per day per item. In case you need an item for a longer period of time, be sure to extend your loan date to avoid being fined.

WebRIKS self service

In case you have a WEBRIKS user, you can log in to your account and see your past and current records borrowed, extend terms etc.
In case you do not have an account yet, ask us.

Reservation request

Records that are currently borrowed to someone else can be reserved. In that case you can be added to the queue and we will notice when the record is available again.

Suggest a book

In case you think there is something missing from our library, let us know via e-mail enut@enut.ee.