The essence of contemporary democracy is the concept of representation, i.e., people’s interests are expressed via democratically elected representatives.  The right to be represented and the right to elect a representative are basic rights generally included in the Constitution.  According to democratic principles all social groups should be proportionally represented at power and decision-making posts.

Achievement of gender equality at all levels of decision-making is critical from both human rights and democratic development perspectives.  The more women and men participate in decision-making, the better are different interests and experiences represented.  Consequently, the political decisions would reflect the needs of both groups and participatory democracy would thus develop.  A balance of women and men on the political decision-making level is the basic indicator of a country’s measure of gender equality and democracy.


Latest projects

For a better future, ENUT and partners advance gender equality (2022-2024)

Project’s objective:

The project’s objective is to raise awareness of gender equality in the society. The planned activity would include different target groups.  Instructions for those leading gender equality awareness raising among personnel and in communities would be prepared in advance and, also, for the support of gender sensitive pedagogy and training. Additionally, the plan is to continue the development of supportive knowledge and measures for the reduction of segregation in the job market and the gender pay gap. Older men’s activities and women’s enterprises would be supported.  

Project’s duration: January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2024 
Project’s partners:
Eesti Personalijuhtimise Ühing PARE (Estonian Human Resources Services PARE)
Mittetulundusühing BPW Estonia (Business and Professional Women’s Organization Estonia)
Eesti Linnade ja Valdade Liit (Association of Estonian Cities and Rural Municipalities)
MTÜ Meeste Garaaž (NGO Men’s Garage)

Funded by Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

Rehabilitation programme for Belarusian women exposed to violence and abuse (2021–2022)

Project’s objective:The project’s objective is to organize for Belarusian women living in exile a rehabilitation program in Estonia for those who suffered repression after the election in 2020. The broader objective is to support democratic development in Belarus. Support for Belarusian women who participated in the protests encourages them to continue their activity.  By bringing together Belarusian emigre women from different countries, we facilitate a network’s creation. 

Project’s duration: October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2022

Project’s leader: Reet Laja.

Funded by: U.S. embassy in Estonia

Rehabilitation programme for Belarusian women who suffered during the post-election protests (2020)

Project’s objective: 

The project’s overall objective is to support the democratization process in Belarus.  The immediate objective is to help the women who were harmed at the protests in Belarus. The project will facilitate the bringing to Estonia NGO Imena selected 20-24 women who were abused both physically and mentally during the citizens’ protests.  ENUT would provide for them a rehabilitation programme that includes psychological counseling, individual and group crisis counseling as needed, creative therapy and self-expression related training. 

Project’s duration: October 1, 2020 –December 15, 2020

Project’s partners:

NGO Imena (in Belarus)
Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
Estonian Embassy in Belarus

Funded by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs