Gender budgeting

Budgets are means to implement political promises and to set priorities. In order to institute equality in society, it is essential to ask whether the principles of gender equality have been applied in the drafting of the budget. Different measures, approaches and strategies are used to track results, expressions, activities and inputs from a gender aspect in the drafting of gender based budgets.

Other topics

This section includes ENUT’s projects on other topics.   Creative Waves – Baltic Sisterhood of Change (2021-2022)

Gender and sustainable development

“Sustainable development can only be achieved through long-term investments in economic, human and environmental capital. At present, the female half of the world’s human capital is undervalued and underutilised the world over. As a group, women – and their potential contributions to economic advances, social progress and environmental protection – have been marginalised. Better use

Human trafficking and prostitution

Trafficking is a world-wide problem which is receiving increased attention, because it threatens the security of nations and the human rights of many people.  Traffickers exploit people’s desire to go abroad or to a big city, looking for a better life away from poverty, unemployment, and economic and gender inequality.  Attractive job offers can make

Reconciliation of work and family

Studies have shown that being employed is important to people living in Estonia: in case of economic security, only 10% of women and 2% of men would stop working (The Office of the Minister of Population and Ethnic Affairs: Reconciliation of Work and Family, 2007). At the same time, however, many people wish to be

Civil society and democracy

The essence of contemporary democracy is the concept of representation, i.e., people’s interests are expressed via democratically elected representatives.  The right to be represented and the right to elect a representative are basic rights generally included in the Constitution.  According to democratic principles all social groups should be proportionally represented at power and decision-making posts.

Gender and education

The education system on all levels is an important institution for reinforcing and internalizing gender differences and inequality in society.  In addition to teachers’  direct and hidden attitudes which influence children, there exist densely integrated structural factors, such as the curriculum and textbooks, despite the fact that equal opportunities for all are written into the